the power of transformation

| May 19, 2024 |

Sitting within the cosmic void so new creations can emerge. 

“The past years have been one of deep transformation for me, internally as well as externally. So much has shifted, changed. It felt as if the moment I’d move through one transformation portal, the next one was already presenting itself, needing to be attended to.

When going through transformation portals (or death portals as they’re also known), it is not a time for new creations, rather a letting go, then sitting in the cosmic void allowing the rebirth to take place.

Yet with the deep transformation energy I’ve been in, it felt as if the new birth was barely tangible, rather a very quiet energy, waiting for its Divine Timing to arrive.

One of the most recent and deepest transformation portals was letting go of my healing practice of 16 years. I had started Avalon Healing in 2016 offering one on one sessions, healing circles, classes & trainings, working with hundreds of clients and students across the globe. I’ve done thousands of readings, channelings and clearings, and have travelled around the world to teach and speak. It has been a great gift to witness my students & clients shift, heal, become empowered; to see their lives changing. Yet before embarking on this path I knew that this work wasn’t for the rest of my life; I knew that it would eventually find its completion & shift into something new, that my commitment of bringing healing energy into the world would continue by taking on new forms, expressing itself through new mediums.

There’s been a merging of the spiritual & creative paths that I’ve been walking for many years, even lifetimes, and I am excited to share this new endeavor with you. I feel it is going to continue to evolve and new aspects will be added along the way.

It is my intention that by me sharing my journey with you, authentically & wholeheartedly, you’ll be inspired and maybe go deeper into the silent calling of your own heart. Maybe it will give you the permission to follow the whispers of your soul and dare to dream!