new beginnings
| November 29, 2024 |
As the world around us is changing at a rapid speed, we are being asked to find a new sense of magic & beauty!

“The last few years have been for me, like for so many of us, one of deep transformation. As challenging as these transformation portals often can be, each death door offers the opportunity of rebirth. The same way spring follows winter, so do new beginnings follow an often deep process of change.
I am aware that on a collective level it feels as if the world is in more chaos than ever before; yet I believe what we are witnessing is the necessary breaking down of ancient systems of control, disconnection, of separation and illusion, so the collective rebirth into a higher consciousness of life can happen.

For me personally, going through these deep transformation portals while the world around us is changing at a rapid speed required a newfound sense of beauty. In that inner search for beauty I was guided, for the first time since I was a teenager, to pick up a paintbrush and, one stroke at a time, I started creating watercolor art. From the moment I put those first brushstrokes on the paper, it felt as if a creative force had been opened up within, and the artwork kept pouring out of me.
Today I am reminded of the gratitude I have for this process as well as the beautiful souls within my inner circle that have been a witness to this journey, holding such a sacred space of love & support.
As we have just passed Thanksgiving, I feel it is time to now share some of this beauty with you!
Images ©Kristie Reeves